English Gambling Education Hub Portal goes live

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London, 23 October 2023: This week marks the launch of the English Gambling Education Hub (EGEH) portal, a new resource which provides clear evidence-based information, support, and education to those working with children and young people.

The EGEH is a collaboration of seven organisations working together across England. The two national partners are GamCare and Ygam. The local partners include Aquarius, ARA, Beacon Counselling Trust, NECA and Breakeven. The programme is also working in collaboration with the Scottish and Welsh Gambling Education Hubs.

Commissioned by GambleAware, the EGEH aims to enhance the capability of Youth Services, Family Services, Formal Education, and other services in England to provide early intervention and prevention regarding gambling harms. The EGEH network will create a virtual community of professionals who work with or have a duty of care towards children and young people. 

The Gambling Commission’s Young People and Gambling Report for 2022 found that 31 per cent of 11 to 16-year-olds had spent their own money on gambling in the last 12 months. The 2022 study also found that 0.9 per cent of 11 to 16-year-olds, equivalent to around 35,000 children, were classed as problem gamblers in Great Britain

As part of the EGEH portal, schools can apply to achieve the ‘Gambling Education Quality Mark’. This free quality mark for schools – provided by Ygam on behalf of the EGEH – is in recognition of a school’s commitment to gambling harm prevention through education and consists of them meeting set criterion. The EGEH portal outlines application requirements, how to achieve the ‘Gambling Education Mark’, and what schools will receive as part of the recognition. 

Ygam has also developed a Quality Assurance Support Package (QASP). The QASP is for organisations who deliver (or plan to deliver) training around gambling harms and would like support to gain accreditation. Their training can either be given directly to children and young people, or to professionals working with them. More information on the QASP, what it includes, and how it can help organisations refine best practice can also be found on the EGEH portal.

Additionally, the EGEH is hosting a film competition which invites organisations working with children and young people to create a film that raises awareness of gambling harms. Entries are open to 11 to 25-year-olds from all educational settings, formal and informal. The winner will have their film professionally developed and shared in schools across England, as well as being invited to spend the day on set.

Kyle Riding, Head of Programmes at Ygam, said: “Education plays a vital role in preventing gambling harms. As online gambling is now part of the statutory RSE curriculum in schools, it is vital that youth organisations have a convenient place to access consistent information and informed resources to help them to effectively safeguard their children and young people.”

“This collaborative programme is not only an effective way to centralise support for those who need it, but also a great opportunity to build a network of people who all share the same goal to raise awareness and reduce the impact of gambling harms on children and young people across England.”

Shirley Tomkins, Programme Manager at GamCare, said: “The English Gambling Education Hub is uniquely placed to understand the true scale of gambling harm emerging across England and how it will vary in each location and for each community. We know professionals need clear, consistent, and non-judgemental information to effectively support young people, who are increasingly encouraged to engage in gambling or gambling-like behaviour online.” 

“We are continuing to listen to young people and elevating their voices through our events and our engagement with relevant stakeholders across the UK. With the Government currently looking at the future of gambling support, it’s important we do not lose sight of the vital role that education will play in protecting the next generation from gambling harms.”

Anna Hargrave, Chief Commissioning and Strategy Officer at GambleAware said: “Gambling harm is a serious public health issue which can affect anyone – including children and young people. Early intervention and prevention programmes, such as these education hubs are vital to keeping people safe from gambling harm. Young people are increasingly exposed to gambling through the wider environment, so it is important that practitioners, educators and youth workers have awareness and understanding of the issue and harms that can result from gambling.”

To find out more about the film competition or to join the EGEH Network to keep up to date with the latest news, please visit the English Gambling Education Hub website.

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