YGAM now “virtually” in Wales

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As with several of my other new colleagues in the Education Team it has been a very digital start to our YGAM journeys. Now in week two of a brand-new career and based in my new home office in Swansea, I just wanted to give you a quick update on what we are hoping to achieve now that YGAM is officially active here in Wales!

Whilst I am learning the ropes and reading more than I have ever done before, I am busily building a picture of how best to support young people in Wales now our lives are even more connected digitally than ever, and with YGAM’s message being “to inform, educate, safeguard and build resilience amongst young and vulnerable people” this is something I very much hope to achieve here over time.   

For me, I joined YGAM as I hope that we can start the conversation on maintaining healthy and safe relationships with video gaming and gambling earlier in people’s lives, that way we can help prevent them from negatively impacting their futures and the lives of those around them. We have a real responsibility to ensure young people have the knowledge and support available to make informed decisions.

After 6 years of direct delivery experience with The Prince’s Trust Cymru I know we are extremely lucky to be surrounded by some incredibly hard-working charities and organisations that, over time, I very much hope to link in with maybe even face to face someday! Given how big our beautiful home is, I very much believe in partnership working, collaboration and sharing knowledge is a hugely important element of us helping people get through these challenging times.

In the meantime, please get in touch if you would like to know more or even to get involved, but more importantly in these times stay safe, stay well both physically and mentally and keep in touch with your friends and families.

Sam Robinson – Education Manager Wales


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London, 28 August 2024: Sam Starsmore has been with Ygam for over four years, becoming Programme Lead for Education in 2021 and playing a significant