Making the case for preventive education

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YGAM Chief Executive Lee Willows joined Marc Etches, Chief Executive, Responsible Gambling Trust; Elaine Smethurst, Managing Director, Gordon Moody Association and Wanda Goldwag, Chair, Senet Group at the Parliamentary All Party Betting & Gaming Group – The Future of Gambling Seminar Series.

YGAM Chief Executive Lee Willows joined Marc Etches, Chief Executive, Responsible Gambling Trust; Elaine Smethurst, Managing Director, Gordon Moody Association and Wanda Goldwag, Chair, Senet Group at the Parliamentary All Party Betting & Gaming Group – The Future of Gambling Seminar Series.

Lee specifically talked about the future of education and shared insights of the work of YGAM, specifically talking about the future of education and its role in minimising harm among; particularly those aged under 24yrs, who as we all know, are at the highest risk.

A copy of the speech that Lee gave can be downloaded by clicking the button below.

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Preventive Education

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