A very virtual beginning…

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After seven years teaching, I packed my metaphorical bags and left for the third sector world. Little did I know that I would be beginning my journey into that world whilst during lockdown! It’s made for a very interesting and unconventional start to my new role as Education Manager.

Whilst a full induction was planned for my first few weeks, the changes to our everyday lives meant that I’ve spent my first two weeks reading, researching and reaching out to people in similar fields. I have to say I’ve loved it! I’ve been able to get a full, solid understanding of the company and the gambling and gaming industry and feel much more confident than I did two weeks ago.

Despite being a technophobe, I’ve also got to grips with Teams, Zoom and various other apps. I’ve met so many of the team for virtual coffee meetings, online training and general chats. I’ve never felt more welcome into a team and cannot praise or thank YGAM enough for the wonderful, positive start I’ve had in what seem to be the most unusual and testing circumstances.

This week I’ve put my old skills to use and have been working with my Education Team members to develop a range of fantastic primary resources. I’ve also been building up a list of great contacts ready for when we are back in the physical world!

I’ve loved every minute so far… it’s been the best decision of my career and I can’t wait to see what the next few weeks have in store for me! I’ll keep you posted!

~ Amy Evans, Education Manager

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