Making the case for preventive education

YGAM Chief Executive Lee Willows joined Marc Etches, Chief Executive, Responsible Gambling Trust; Elaine Smethurst, Managing Director, Gordon Moody Association and Wanda Goldwag, Chair, Senet Group at the Parliamentary All Party Betting & Gaming Group – The Future of Gambling Seminar Series.

YGAM Ambassador awarded

Dame Rosie Winterton DBE, MP for Doncaster Central, recently attended the Celebrating Public Health Excellence 2016 event in Parliament, where her constituent Anne Evans, from received an Excellence in Public Health and Wellbeing 2016 award, presented to her by Jane Ellison MP, Minister for Public Health.

Strengthening the YGAM team

We are delighted to welcome James Jasper and Amelia Conolly to the YGAM team. James joins YGAM as our Director of Sales having spent the last ten years leading STA’s schools travel division. With a wealth of contacts and detailed knowledge of the education sector, James has lead responsibility for the marketing of our Train […]

YGAM to publish first annual review

The Young Gamblers Education Trust (known as YGAM) are proudly about to publish their first annual review as a UK-Registered Charity in late August / early September 2016, several months ahead of the filing date deadline with Companies House and the Charity Commission.

YGAM welcomes new National Responsible Gambling Strategy

In April 2016, the Responsible Gambling Strategy Board (RGSB) published their new strategy for the period 2016 – 17 to 2018 – 19, following a public consultation. YGAM responded to the public consultation and was particularly pleased to see such an emphasis placed on preventative education.