Microgaming PlayItForward supports YGAM’s gambling-related harm prevention programme

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Microgaming PlayItForward has donated £12,680 to YGAM to bring its accredited education programme to the Isle of Man.

Microgaming PlayItForward has donated £12,680 to YGAM to bring its accredited education programme to the Isle of Man.

Over the past three years, YGAM has focused its operations and delivery of education programmes to London and the South East region. This has enabled YGAM to develop a strong track record in one region while at the same time learn from what works well and build improvements to the programme and accompanying resources. Given its popularity and increasing demand, YGAM has ventured out of London and the South East region, delivering workshops in the Midlands, North of England, Wales, and across Europe in Malta, Gibraltar and the Netherlands.

The donation from PlayItForward, Microgaming’s CSR initiative, will enable the YGAM team to bring its accredited programme to the Isle of Man. The charity plans to work with schools, the local further education college and local government to deliver a series of workshops aimed at professionals who have influence over young people’s learning (teachers, youth workers, etc.). These workshops will mirror YGAM’s established Train the Trainer workshops and have a focus on developing digital resilience among young people. Second, YGAM will work with Microgaming to deliver bespoke accredited training around player protection. This project will be delivered over the next eight months.

Lee Willows, Chief Executive at YGAM, comments: “Microgaming and YGAM have been keen to collaborate and this project provides a perfect opportunity to take our education programmes to the Isle of Man, whilst at the same time work with Microgaming to deliver our accredited and authentic training. We are hugely grateful for the donation from Microgaming PlayItForward as we believe taking our education programmes to the Isle of Man will enable us to engage with another professional (teaching) audience and gain valuable feedback on the relevance and educational content.

Kimberley Broad, Head of Compliance at Microgaming, says: “Promoting responsible gaming and supporting our local community are hugely important to us so we were naturally keen to support YGAM in extending its accredited programme to the Isle of Man. We have been very impressed with the charity’s success on building a programme that focuses on increasing awareness and resilience against gambling related harm and we look forward to supporting them in delivering the vital training workshops on the island.

For more information on Microgaming PlayItForward, the company’s CSR programme, visit microgamingplayitforward.co.uk.

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