National Safer Gambling Strategy and the YGAM Strategy

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YGAM has responded to the Gambling Commission’s consultation on a new national strategy to reduce gambling harm and the proposed amendments to LCCP requirements on gambling businesses to contribute to research, prevention, and treatment.

Our response is focused particularly around Priority Action 2: prevention and the proposed changes to the LCCP and captures our discussions with education leaders, parents, young people, third sector organisations, gambling operators and those affected negatively by gambling.

As members of the Responsible Gambling Strategy Board Advisory Group (now the Advisory Board for Safer Gambling) it has been pleasing to witness the progression of the current strategy and meet many of the current stakeholders involved in its delivery. Progress against the current strategy has been good in some Priority Actions and we have witnessed some useful cross-industry collaboration (i.e. around self-exclusion). YGAM feels that while the current strategy is bold and thorough, it has too many priority areas (i.e. Priority Actions).

The sheer number of Priority Actions has meant that some priorities have been slow or very limited in their progress. Therefore, YGAM agrees with the new emerging national strategy 2019 – 2021 and the focusing of priorities.

Download YGAM’s Three Year Strategy

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London, 28 August 2024: Sam Starsmore has been with Ygam for over four years, becoming Programme Lead for Education in 2021 and playing a significant