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As part of #TrusteesWeek we asked YGAM’s Development Officer, Nadia Tarik to interview three of our trustees to find out what skills they bring to the charity, what it means to be a trustee and why they love working with YGAM.

Why did you choose to become a YGAM Trustee?
I wanted to give back to a small youth charity that I could interact with and that would benefit from utilising my skills and collaborating with inspiring individuals such as Lee Willows.

What value have you been able to add to YGAM with your personal and professional experience?
I am Chair of the people and transformation committee and my role is to innovate new services that enable organisations to grow in a stable and steady manner. I see a lot of promise regarding the future prosperity of YGAM and believe I can help the company upscale within the next couple of years.

If you could sum up working with YGAM in a quote what would it be?
“Forward thinking charity, aiming for impact through early intervention. Safeguarding the future of the next generation.”

Name a quality you think is vital that all trustees should possess and why? Tenacity and passion. When taking on a trusteeship it’s important to be committed as a volunteer to ensure the mission of the charity is achieved. Setting sight on why you joined, what you promised to offer and most importantly, delivering.

If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?
A deserted island, anywhere to escape the chaos of London. Somewhere hot and beautiful, where I can be left alone with my own thoughts.

Why did you choose to become a YGAM Trustee?
When I was asked to join the board, I was attracted to its social purpose as it’s a story of redemption. Not only a big issue facing young people, touching everybody’s lives, and an opportunity to learn.

What value have you been able to add to YGAM with your personal and professional experience?
I have a background of leading other organisations and governance due to being an experienced trustee, so I help YGAM achieve their overall objectives and goals. I have also played an active role in setting up YGAM innovation.

If you could sum up working with YGAM in a quote what would it be?
“A breath of fresh air, in the approach to share a story of redemption to fulfil a space needed in today’s world.”

Name a quality you think is vital that all trustees should possess and why?
Integrity in decision making and thinking how you undertake your role as a trustee. Governance is where you see success and failure in a company. Therefore, its important trustees are fair minded and impartial.

If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?
Somewhere in Africa working in lion conservation. Lions are wonderful animals that are in danger of being extinct, so helping them would be wonderful.

Why did you choose to become a YGAM Trustee?
Initially I was looking for a trustee role as I was interested in contributing to a charity that I believe in and one who would benefit from my work experience. I saw a post for a trustee position in YGAM, looking for someone with Marketing background. Immediately I was hooked, as I could see how YGAM would grow as a charity with my assistance.

What value have you been able to add to YGAM with your personal and professional experience?
I have experience working for big international brands where I gained the skills in media planning and buying, which is a huge part of marketing. I could translate this knowledge to help YGAM grow by giving the firm a more marketing purpose by creating a marketing strategy. I was also involved in the recruitment of the Head of Marketing, whom I actively give guidance to on projects such as the development of the new website.

If you could sum up working with YGAM in a quote what would it be?
“An incredible journey of setting ambitious targets that can be seen as unattainable but being able to deliver them.”

Name a quality you think is vital that all trustees should possess and why?
The ability to collaborate, trustees all have other commitments and different backgrounds and skills. Everyone is there for a reason and represents a function so being able to collaborate between the different areas is key.

If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?
The Scottish Highlands, the wild remote parts on top of the mountains is where I would love to go.

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