YGAM achieves ISO certificate for high standards

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The Young Gamers and Gamblers Education Trust (YGAM) has continued to receive more recognition for the professional statutory and regulatory standards to which the charity is operating.

The education charity has gained the ISO 9001:2015 certificate after an extensive audit of the organisation’s internal operations. This is a globally recognised quality management standard developed and published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The independent external assessment highlighted several strengths and concluded that YGAM excelled in a variety of quality management standard principles.  

Caroline Gallagher, Director of Compliance & QA at YGAM said “Our team has worked extremely hard to ensure that our educational programmes are market leading and meet the needs of our audiences. This achievement demonstrates that we’re performing above and beyond all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements across the charity. It gives our stakeholders huge confidence in our abilities to deliver on our aims and puts us in the strongest position for future fundraising bids and tender processes.”

YGAM achieved the standard with 0 major or minor nonconformities and 0 opportunities for improvement. The independent external audit commended the charity’s continuous improvement and its good practices for internal processes and effective management.

ISO, the International Organization for Standardization, is the world’s largest developer of voluntary international standards. ISO international standards ensure that products are safe, reliable and of good quality.

Caroline Gallagher, Director of Quality Assurance at YGAM

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