YGAM partners with Peridot Partners to recruit a new independent Chair & Trustees

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Following a Board Review, YGAM are working with Peridot Partners to extend the skills mix and talents of the Board of Trustees by recruiting two new Trustees and a new independent Chair.

Following a Board Review, YGAM are working with Peridot Partners to extend the skills mix and talents of the Board of Trustees by recruiting two new Trustees and a new independent Chair. Building upon the impact that YGAM has delivered over the past two-years, the Chair and Board of Trustees will provide the enablers support and scrutiny to ensure YGAM can reach its full potential.

YGAM’s growth has been impressive. Over the past two-years the charity has grown from an idea on a sheet of paper, to securing over £500,000 in funding; employing eight employees; supporting 400+ organisations to deliver its education programme; developed the UK’s first fully externally accredited and quality-assured education programme, and has formally partnered with two universities. In the coming year we aim to achieve a £1m turnover; deliver our education programme to 600+ organisations; work with partners to develop the charities trading aim and pilot a new externally accredited qualification for those who work in the gambling industry; publish the findings of an independent evaluation in to the effectiveness of the YGAM programme, and expand the charities work with partner universities.

It is going to take dedication and hard work to realise our ambitions, but this is an incredible opportunity to contribute to the important work of YGAM and our partners.

Click Here to view the opportunities, find out further information and apply.

Dan Waugh, Chairman, YGAM said ‘It has been a privilege to support the work of YGAM over the past two years. Working with my fellow Trustees and the executive team has been inspirational. I have been able to help to maintain a focus around delivery while enjoying working with Lee through the strategic challenges we have faced over the past two years. YGAM has good foundations in place, is developing an impressive track record and I feel the time is right for a new independent Chair of Trustees to be appointed who can devote the time that is required to enable YGAM to achieves its ambitions.

Lee Willows, Chief Executive, YGAM said ‘Naturally I am sorry that Dan Waugh is stepping down as Chair after two years of dedication and commitment to our social cause. I have learnt a lot from Dan and consider him both a friend and mentor. In addition Dan Rough will also step down as a Trustee at our upcoming AGM. I’d like to say a huge thanks to both Dans for all their support and look forward to working with Grant Taylor from Peridot Partners to appoint an independent Chair and two independent Trustees.

Grant Taylor, Managing Director, Peridot Partners said ‘Lee reached out to me in 2015 as he had an idea to establish a new education charity and wanted advice around governance. Over the past two years it has been a pleasure to volunteer my time and work with Lee and Dan as they went about incorporating the charity. I am impressed with how YGAM has established itself and was delighted to undertake a recent pro-bono board review looking at the YGAM boards strengths, skills, attitudes and behaviours. This review has helped us to identify what skills we need to compliment and strengthen what is already a good board and I am looking forward to finding some special people for YGAM.

In order to avoid any conflicts of interest – whether real or perceived – YGAM’s board has taken the decision that trustees (including the Chair) should be fully independent of the gambling industry.

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