YGAM submit written evidence to the Gambling Act Review

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The Government is currently reviewing the Gambling Act 2005 to ensure the regulatory framework is fit for the digital age. YGAM is pleased to contribute to this important process and has recently submitted evidence to the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS).

The world has changed since the Gambling Act was passed in 2005. Just like many other industries, the rapid innovation of technology has revolutionised gambling in this country and globally. This review process presents a much-needed opportunity for the regulation to catch up and for the UK to set standards for the world to follow.

This review will scrutinise all aspects of regulation and, as an education charity, we do not claim to have the expertise to contribute to most of these intricate policy decisions. However, we passionately believe that regardless of any legislative changes, the need to educate future generations on potential harms is more important than ever. Our key messages for the review:

  • Education is essential to prevent gambling harm and safeguard future generations.
  • Increased long-term funding should be directed towards research, education and treatment.
  • Gambling harm should receive the same level of focus as public health issues such as alcohol and drugs.
  • The Government should support the progress that has been made in the third sector and promote initiatives that demonstrate meaningful impact.
  • The gambling industry must do much more to protect consumers and regulation must be improved to keep up-to-date with the fast-paced innovation of the digital world.
  • Education alone will not prevent gambling harms; therefore we strongly support the introduction of any further protections for young people.

Our submission is informed by the expert information and robust research which supports our programme content and the insight we acquire through our engagement with stakeholders and workshop delegates.

We look forward to working closely with all stakeholders and the Government to offer our insight and expertise to ensure any changes are focused on safeguarding future generations growing up in today’s digital world.

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